Department of Commerce, Patna Women’s College, organized international Commerce Day

The Department of Commerce, Patna Women’s College, Autonomous, organized
Interdisciplinary Power Point Presentation Competition to observe International Commerce Day
on 5 th August, 2024 at 12.15 pm. International Commerce Day is observed annually to celebrate
the global exchange of goods, services, and information across borders. This day highlights the
importance of international trade in fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and global
cooperation. As the world faces increasing environmental and social challenges, sustainable
business practices are becoming central to the future of international commerce.
The Event was arranged for the students of B. Com (Accounting & Finance), B.Com
(Commerce Professional), BBA and Advertising and Marketing Management in Mother
Veronica Excellence and Innovation Cell. The Inaugural Address was given by Dr. Soofia
Fatima, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management & HOD, Department of Commerce. She
emphasised on significance of sustainable business practices with reference to future of
international commerce.

The three judges for the event were Ms. Kirti Kamal, Ms. Sagarika and Ms. Neha Kumari Gupta,
Assistant Professors from Department of Commerce. Students presented enriching information
on sustainable business practices through their power point presentation. Ms. Sagarika and Ms.
Mona Kumari, faculty members from Department of Commerce gave valuable feedback for the

The Winners of the PPT competition were congratulated. First position was secured by Shreya
Singh, Faiza Monawwur, Ritu Kumari, students of B.Com (Accounting & Finance), Semester-
III. Followed by second position secured by Nikita Anand, Pinki Kumari, Tapsi , students of
BBA and third position secured by Suhani, Prachi, Aliba, students of B.Com (Accounting &
Finance), Semester-I. A vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Vaishnavi Raj, a student of B.Com
(Accounting & Finance) Semester-I. CS Shweta Shah, Ms. Puja Kumari, Ms. Nikki Kumari, Mr.
Gautam Saurabh and Ms. Sohini Priya were also present to encourage the students.

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